This native shrub is great for erosion control, has stunning winter interest and provides valuable food for birds and wildlife during our long Canadian winters.
Rhus Typhina – Staghorn Sumac
The Staghorn Sumac is a beautiful shrub/small tree native to North America. It has attractive deep green foliage during the spring, summer and fall. The leaves transition in the fall to brilliant shades of crimson and red. This plant is extremely hardy and can withstand drought and salt laden soil. This sumac has excellent erosion control properties as it spread by root suckers where it forms colonies and thickets. It is deer resistant and attracts pollinators in the spring.
It is best avoid using this species in full shade situation as it prefers moderate to full sun. Also refrain from use when a site is characterized by wet soil that has poor drainage. It can become aggressive when grown in favorable conditions.
The Staghorn Sumac provides a valuable food source for a wide variety of overwintering and early arriving bird species. The fruit from the crimson red seedheads is a valuable energy source for the birds in late winter when other food options become scarce.
Bird species that will forage on the staghorn sumac: 
- eastern bluebird
- black-capped chickadee
- ruffed grouse
- eastern phoebe
- downy woodpecker
- hairy woodpecker
- ring-necked pheasant
- grey catbird
- hermit thrush
- american robin
- northern mockingbird
The staghorn sumac is a dioecious species, meaning there are individually male and female plants. In the spring/summer the male plants sport white flowers, which are highly attractive to native bees, while the female plants display the crimson, conical seedheads from August through until the spring. Please note for proper pollination it is ideal that both male and female plants are installed within close proximity to each other.
HEIGHT: 15-30 ‘
SPREAD: 15-25’
WATER: Medium to Dry
SOIL: Well-drained. Prefers sandy or loam soils but will tolerate some clay soils
SUN: Partial to Full
SIMILAR: Fragrant Sumac